Rider FAQ

  1. What is this "Backyard Ultra" gravel race, and what makes it different from other gravel events?

    The Backyard Ultra format is a unique twist on traditional gravel racing that we are borrowing from ultra running. Instead of fixed distances like 30, 60, or 100 miles, this event revolves around a shorter 12-mile course with no predetermined finish time or distance. Riders start a new lap every hour, on the hour, and the race continues as long as at least two competitors remain. The last rider to complete a lap is the finisher!

  2. That sounds great and all, but I don’t know how far I can go...

    No problem! The Odyssey is designed to challenge riders of all levels. Held early in the gravel season, it's the perfect opportunity to rack up those all-important base miles. Whether you're here to outlast the competition, training for other events, aiming to set a personal record for your longest ride, or simply looking to connect with the gravel cycling community, this event has something for everyone. Plus, the Observatory will have weather-appropriate activities for spectators and family members, making it a memorable day for all!

    All riders' lap counts will be published on the Odyssey website—perfect for earning those bragging rights!

  3. What’s the weather policy?

    It's early April in Nebraska, so anything could happen. We operate under gridiron rules—unless there's a blizzard, we ride! Dress appropriately and get ready for an adventure.

  4. Are Ebikes allowed?

    You may ride an Ebike during the Doozy, but you will be ineligible to finish.